Monday, August 4, 2008

Tom's Blog.....

Today has been an amazing day in Mississippi and hopefully we're in for many more days just like today.  The weather was very accommodating and we had groups in two different locations.  A very large group that was roofing, siding, painting along with other jobs at one location while a smaller group was doing some plumbing for a woman named Donna Skinner.  
It was an interesting day for me as I got to get a plumbing 101 lesson.  Unfortunately we determined that much of the work that had already been completed in the house needed to be done again.  Thankfully we think that we'll be able to fix it and hopefully have it done by the end of the week.  

I have tow "Show and Tell" memories from my day in Mississippi that I'd like to mention, first was that the woman who's house we're working on (Donna) spent the day with us telling us all about Katrina and the days, months and now years that have followed.  It's truly amazing how resilient she is and I think that it's prevalent among the people who are still down here.  She showed us on the trees outside her house where the water line from the flooding was and it was very easily 30 feet in the air.  I'm hoping to get some pictures that we can post on the blog but it is unfathomable that the flooding was this significant.  The flood actually lifted her previous house over the peach tree that was in her front lawn and dropped her house in the middle of the street that she lived on.  It really is amazing the stories that the people here happened.  

My other show and tell item from my day in Mississippi is that Donna was telling just how grateful she was for the people who had come down or supported those who came down to assist.  She was saying how humbling she found it to ask for help from others because by nature she is a giver and that it really has been a challenge to accept help like this from others.  She also has been very surprised to hear volunteers thank her for allowing them to come and participate in the rebuilding effort, Donna really couldn't understand that perspective and I'm glad to say that I really do see that type of mentality in all of the people who are representing NPC.  The group is very giving and very thankful for the opportunity be able to assist in this rebuilding effort and I think that this mind set is going to make for a great week.  
That's it for now.....good night! 

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Just wanted to say 'HI' and that We are all praying for you & the team, and hope all is going well.
In His Grip,
Barbara Reed